Facts About Porcupines: Interesting and True
Porcupines are fascinating creatures with distinctive physical characteristics and behaviors. They are known for their sharp quills, which are used for defense against predators. Numerous popular myths have arisen around them, which have been picked up by cartoons and movies. However, did you know that porcupines can also climb trees and swim? Here are collected some interesting and true facts about porcupines that you may not have known. Let's take a closer look at these captivating animal. So, prepare to discover something new without any myths!
Top 10 Amazing Facts
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Porcupines cannot shoot their quills. They are not designed for it, quills are hollow and light, making them not suitable for shooting. Additionally, quills are curved, making them less accurate.
Most animals in their habitat stand aback from porcupines, aware of their dangerous defenses, and attack only as a last resort to avoid starving to death.
Porcupines can be so confident in their own protection that they do not flee but attack even when encountering a car. As a result, these animals die under the wheels.
Baby porcupines are born with soft hairs, but in a few days, they become sharp and stiff quills, covered with thick plates of keratin.
The crested porcupine is the largest in its species. These rodents are the third largest in the world, second only to capybaras and beavers.
The most spine-covered species of porcupine have around 30,000 quills on their body.
Porcupines can be adorable pets. They are pretty easy to tame—they are not aggressive toward the owner.
Porcupines have a relatively long lifespan, with a typical life expectancy of 10-15 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity, and some individuals even reach 30 years.
The myth that porcupines shoot their quills appeared long before modern movies and cartoons. In fact, the legend dates back to ancient times of the Roman era.
Porcupine quills are the main and effective way of defense. They are not poisonous, but easily detach from the skin and get stuck in the wounds of predators when attacked. Dust and dirt can cause infection.
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