Interesting Facts About Sharks: Discover the Truth


Thanks to numerous horror films, sharks are among the most well-known marine predators. Movies often depict them as monstrous creatures, terrifyingly dangerous to people. This portrayal has spawned a plethora of myths that only loosely align with reality. Discover the most interesting, cool, and even weird facts about sharks, dispel long-held misconceptions, and uncover surprising truths. We'll delve into some of the most fascinating information about sharks, providing you with a deeper understanding of these animals and their crucial role in the ocean ecosystem. And be sure not to miss the legendary megalodon segment.

Top 20 Amazing Facts

(Curious? Click on any element to discover more!)
Contrary to common misconception, sharks are not lured by human blood. Instead, their interest is typically piqued by the scent of a bleeding fish or sea lion.
The belief that sharks are immune to cancer is a misconception. Numerous studies have confirmed this. Sharks have been found to have tumors in various organs, and more than half of them are malignant.
Megalodon became extinct about 2.6 million years ago. This legendary predator used to top the food chain for a while but failed to survive for many reasons.
Sharks can produce a special substance to block nociceptors. With this ability, they can simply ignore the pain.
Sharks can sense the Earth's magnetic field and skillfully use it as a compass to find their way around.
You'll never meet a famous white shark inside an aquarium — they simply die in captivity.
Sharks' teeth can vary dramatically in number depending on species: it's only 30 for some sharks, whereas others have up to 3 thousand!
The whale shark is the largest living fish but has tiny teeth of no more than six millimeters. It poses no danger to a human.
The lifetime of the Greenland shark can last between 250 and 500 years! It the longest-lived vertebrate known. These long-livers inhabit nearshore areas of the Arctic.
Megalodon was the largest shark species that ever existed on Earth. It could reach up to 30 meters in length.
Sharks grind their teeth to communicate with each other.
Some sharks can hunt seagulls: it picks up speed, jumps out of the water and snatches a gaping bird.
The number of casualties caused by shark attacks is lower than those due to bee stings and lightning strikes. Less than 10 people die from sharks every year. However, sharks are broadly recognized as bloody killers because of horrors.
Gestation takes up to 3,5 years for some species of sharks! This is the longest period of gestation known among vertebrates.
The bullhead shark features an unusual jaw structure — it has teeth growing only in the back row. Once a front tooth falls out, a tooth from the back row slowly takes its place.
The largest megalodon tooth found was about 18 centimeters long. Just to compare, teeth of the great white shark do not exceed five centimeters.
Sharks have no bones (except for teeth) but cartilage instead. That's why the only extant remains of megalodons are teeth, but sometimes vertebrae are also found.
The Greenland shark is able to swim in the icy Arctic Ocean with impunity thanks to a kind of "antifreeze" in its body, which is saturated with ammonia extracted from urea.
A large number of sharks die from marine litter as they take it for prey and eat — one more reason for people to protect the environment!
The shark's first dorsal fin making all swimmers freak out is never used for acceleration or maneuvering. Its only purpose is the body balance that sharks need to avoid axis-turning.
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  1. ZardasterDec 1, 2022 14:59
    Humans are not delicious food for sharks, but a very interesting object they want to poke with their teeth.