Interesting and Amazing Facts About Dogs - Good to Know


These beloved pets have been by our side for thousands of years, assisting with hunting, herding, and offering unwavering companionship. But there's more to these loyal friends than meets the eye. Dogs can exhibit intelligence, loyalty, adorableness, and even a profound understanding. Their ubiquitous presence in our lives often obscures just how little we truly understand about them.

Here, we've compiled a collection of cool, fun, cute and even creepy facts about dogs you probably didn't know. Have you ever wondered about the origins of dogs and when they first appeared? How good is their sense of smell and hearing ability? How about their intelligence? Delve into these facts and don't forget to share your newfound knowledge!

Top 20 Amazing Facts

(Curious? Click on any element to discover more!)
Spiked dog collars were first used as armor to protect the neck from the claws and teeth of other animals.
Dogs evolved from wolves once they got domesticated by a human. It was about 35 thousand years ago. No one knows for sure now when it happened.
Dachshunds were bred specifically for hunting badgers. "Dachshund'' is their German name which is literally translated as "badger dog".
Dogs have three eyelids per eye. Moreover, the third eyelid is essential for protection. It removes all the extraneous matter from the eye and is responsible for the tissue immunity reaction.
In 1919, shepherd Rin-Tin-Tin became the first movie star dog starring in smash-hit movies that brought box office success for Warner Bros., then young company. The dog earned about $1,000 a week.
Dogs have very good hearing. They are able to hear ultrasonic frequencies, catch the sounds at distance four times farther compared to humans, and quickly identify the source of the sound.
Puppies are born blind and deaf, but have a lot more nerve endings on their bodies than adults. With help of these nerve endings, they discover the world around them in the first two weeks of life.
Dogs are very good at catching humans' emotions and efficiently use emotional sounds to find their way around. In this sense, dog brain response is very similar to ours.
Dogs sweat through their paw pads and nose tips. In general, a dog has glands all over its body, but these glands are of a different type that dogs need to oil the skin and coat.
An average dog can remember about 160 words. The memory capacity greatly depends on breed and training. Gifted dogs remember up to 300 words and more rarely the word number reaches one thousand!
Dogs are noticeably warmer than humans. Their normal body temperature ranges from 37.5 to 39.0°C. It always depends on the breed, age, and physical well-being.
Dogs have a very well-developed sense of smell, which plays a vital role for them. For example, the Bloodhound is able to pick up a 100-hour-old scent. Besides, specially trained breeds can smell some human diseases.
Saluki is the oldest known breed of dog. It is known for certain that they have been existing about 5,500 years for now.
The dog's sad look or wistful barking may be a sign of depression or stress. Sometimes they just need a bit more of your attention. After all, they are social beings.
The Siberian Husky is considered to be the hardiest of breeds. These sled dogs are able to run tens and even hundreds of kilometers without rest breaks.
Laika was a Soviet space dog who was one of the first animals in space and the first to orbit the Earth in 1957. She was a stray dog from the streets of Moscow. Unfortunately, Laika did not survive the mission, as the technology to bring her back to Earth had not yet been developed.
The heaviest and tallest dog that ever lived named Zorba weighed 155 kg with a height of 94 cm. This was a record registered in 1989. Some time later an even heavier dog was found with a weight of almost 162 kg! Its name was Benedictine.
Some stray dogs manage to learn to travel by subway. There they find some food and a warm shelter. Dogs remember the scents of stations and easily navigate underground.
If properly trained, a dog looks back at the human before taking any action, thereby asking permission. A dog considers its human as the leader and absolute authority.
Dogs can hiccup just like humans. It's a common thing for a dog after quick drinking or overeating. Generally, it's not harmful to their health.
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  1. RinaDec 1, 2022 17:17
    My dog understands my emotions perfectly, but it is also easy to deceive her. It is enough to pretend that you are sad or angry.